Predefined variablesThere are some predefined variables that are assigned at the beginning of the script. Variables have an important role in Perfect Automation. They are used to save all kinds of integer and string values. In order to get the value of a variable, you should use the '#' characters. Suppose you define the name variable equal to John Smith. Then, if you specify #name# in some command of your program, you will get the value of this variable. Also, there are global variables (see Global variables for more details). #setuppath#\subfolder
#progname# #ver# There are the following predefined variables:Variable name | Description | activewin | The caption of the current active application. | autoclose | The state of the 'Close Automatically...' checkbox. | autoshut | The state of the 'Shutdown...' checkbox. | computername | The computer name. | curdir | The current directory. | date | The current date as a string. | diftime | The interval between the current time and the previous value of #time# variable. | exefile | The full name of the program executable file. If you run a program as script file then this variable equals the full name of the .pa script file. | exename | The name of the program executable file without the extension and the path. | exepath | The directory of the program executable file. | logfile | The full name of the current log file. | nl | Characters 0xD and 0xA | parcount | The count of the command line parameters. | par1,par2,... | The parameter with i number. Example: par1 par2 etc. | quote | A quote character. | shortdate | The current date in the format YYMMDD. | shorttime | The current time in the format HHMMSS. | space | A space character. | time | The current time as a string. | usercountry | The user's country. | userlang | The user's language. | userlogon | Logon User Name. | username | User Name. | userorg | Organization. |