Global variables
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Global variables

Suppose you want to specify the same directory in many projects. In this case, it can be more convenient to define a global variable - path. Add the path variable to the list of global variables (Menu-Tools-Global Variables) and use $path$ anywhere in Perfect Automation.


Predefined global variables

Variable nameDescription
autopath The path of Perfect Automation settings and user's files.
autoexepath The Perfect Automation path (pautomation.exe).
appdata The current user Application Data directory.
comappdata The Application Data directory (common for all users).
comdesktop The Desktop directory (common for all users).
comprogfiles The Common Files directory.
comprogpath Start->Programs directory ( common for all users).
desktop The current user Desktop directory.
docpath My Documents path for the current user.
progfiles Program Files directory.
progpath Start->Programs directory for the current user.
quicklaunch The Quick Launch directory.
shortdate The current date as YYMMDD.
shorttime The current time as HHMMSS.
syspath Windows system directory.
taskpath Task (project) file directory.
temppath Windows temporary directory.
userpath User folder.
winpath Windows directory.