Wait for [ Window ]Waits for windows conditions. This command allows you to pause executing the script while the specified conditions are FALSE. Description Optionally, you may add comments here describing the purpose of this element.
Caption Specify the partial or full name of the windows to be searched.
Match You can select the following match parameters. Exact Window Name - Caption field must exactly match a window title. Window Name Substring - Caption field can be substring of a window title. Wildcard matching - Caption field contains wildcards '*' and '?'. In this case, Caption can be
Classname You can limit the search by some classname. If you specify it, the window must be this class.
Negation of conditional Check this box on if you want to negate this condition.
Next Condition You can specify a combination of two conditions. AND - this and the next condition must be true. OR - At least one of the two conditions must be true.