Find and copy new and modified filesOften, you come to a friend and ask him what new movies, mp3 files, photos, he downloaded or created in the recent past. There is a problem - how to find new or last modified files quickly and copy them yourself. Another task, for example, you want someone to copy your new or changed files. Look through all subdirectories takes a lot of time, even if all files are sorted by date. It may be necessary to find changes during a month or only one day. This program will help you to solve this task easy. Key features: Save basic parameters to the Registry for the next launch: input folder, output folder etc. You can specify some wildcards to search files. The program uses the recursive search in all subfolders. You can get a list of new files, just copy the required files or copy with confirmation. You specify the number of days and the program looks for files with a modification date within these last days. For example, the last 30 days.It should be noted that the program does not keep a list of files. It detects new files only if the creation date would be within the specified period. Download script ( 12KB ) | Download freeware program ( 199KB ) Freeware No install required