If [ Text ]
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If [ Text ]

Conditional expression for text variables. You can use this command to define text conditional operators. This command can contain other commands that will be executed only if the specified condition is true.

Optionally, you may add comments here describing the purpose of this element.
Variable name
The name of the macro whose value will be compared.
Comparison Type
Specify the comparison operations you need.
Begins with string - Return 1 if the variable begins with a string defined in String parameter.
Contains substring - Return 1 if the variable contains a substring defined in String parameter.
Equal - Return 1 if the variable equals a string defined in String parameter.
Ignore case
If you check this checkbox, the case of letters will be ignored.
Negation of conditional
Check this box on if you want to negate this condition.
The value the macro specified above is compared to.
Next Condition
You can specify a combination of two conditions.
AND - this and the next condition must be true.
OR - At least one of the two conditions must be true.