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Eonza automation software
- free, open source cross-platform automation software for easy creation and management of scripts.
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Gentee script programming language
- Free, open source and cross-platform programming language for automation.
Installer and installation software
Files & folders
Commands for working with files and folders.
CD/DVD & Flash drives
Gets the letters of the first CD/DVD and flash drives on user's machine.
Copy files & folders
Copies files and directories by the wildcard.
Create folder
Creates a new folder including nested folders.
Delete files & folders
Deletes files and directories by wildcard.
Foreach [ File ]
Enumerates all files in the specified directory.
Foreach [ Folder ]
Enumerates all subfolders in the specified directory.
Get drive space
Retrieves information about the free and total amount of space available on a disk volume.
Get file information
Gets information ( size, time, attributes etc.
Get file path information
Gets path information ( drive, path, filename, extension ) of the specified file.
Get folder size
Gets the summary size of the specified folder or drive.
If [ File/Folder ]
Conditional expression for files and folders.
Pattern file
Creates a file based on a template file.
Print file
Prints file(s) or documentation on a default printer.
Rename/Move File
Renames or moves a file.
Replace within files
Replaces strings within files.
Search files & folders
Looks for files and folders on the user's machine.
Set current directory
Changes the current directory.
Set file attributes
Set attributes of specified file(s).
Synchronizes the contents of two directories.
While [ File/Folder ]
While statement for files and folders.